May 17, 2023

Digital Marketing Media Brief

Emma Prunty photo

byEmma Prunty

Posted on May 17, 2023

A media planning brief is a great way to create structure and outline your objectives for a successful marketing campaign and help you choose the right mix of media channels for your campaign - organic, paid or any kind of activity.

Use this handy media brief to create a roadmap for your campaign to guide key stakeholders on the various elements involved in the project from conception to completion. 

This will help you and your team members understand the objectives, channels, budgets, assets, timeframes, and constraints that need to be factored into your strategy.

Once you have filled out your media brief, you can create your media plan - a detailed plan describing when, where and how often you’ll run search ads.

Make sure to include as much relevant information as possible to ensure this brief sets the foundations for your marketing campaign.

Media Brief Template

This content is available to Power Members only.

If you’re looking to find out more about devising, implementing and reporting on search marketing campaigns, consider enrolling in our Professional Diploma in Search Marketing in partnership with Neil Patel. 

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Emma Prunty photo
Emma Prunty

As the DMI's Content Editor Emma works to bring our members insightful and topical content every week. She has worked in digital everything for over 20 years, from New York to Oslo and Toronto to Dublin, and is always on the lookout for the latest currents of where things are going next. As producer of our popular podcast, winner of the 2023 Memcom Podcast Award, she's always happy to hear from anyone interested in coming on the show to share their expertise. She can be found on LinkedIn.