Mar 13, 2019

Digital Marketing Predictions for InsurTech with Mark Evans

Mark Evans photo

by Mark Evans

Posted on Mar 13, 2019

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Mark Evans is the award-winning Managing Director of Marketing and Digital, Direct Line Group. He had a chat recently with Cathal about a number of things, not least his own fascinating career path

Insurance is at the centre of major tech trends - IoT, blockchain, smart homes, driverless cars. Swarms of drones that light the way, not just for cars. In this interview, Mark discuss the burgeoning InsurTech sector and explains some of the ideas Direct Line have brought in, and predictions for the industry's future. 

Some intriguing innovations that Direct Line have brought in include Drive Plus, which uses telematics and is helpful for especially younger safe drivers, and Shotgun, a new CSR brand which tracks journeys and allots drivers rewards, help make them safer.

Looking further afield he identifies China as being far ahead in terms of applying cutting-edge technology to the Insurance sector, including biometrics that go beyond simple voice and facial recognition, and the evidence of a different cultural approach to relationships. 

Direct Line is a truly omni-channel entity and though they are massively digital, phone-based connectoins are still hugely important. You might be surprised how many 17 and 18 year-olds call up to learn about the basics of insurance.

ark and Cathal discuss what brands can do to convert more people online? And they of course discuss the hugely successful Winston Wolf campaign (starring Harvey Keitel) which brought the company back to its identity and galvanized the entire organization. Because at the end of the day, insurance people are really just fixers. 

We hope you enjoy this fascinating chat with Mark. 

Mark is also a member of the Digital Marketing Institute's Global Industry Advisory Council (GIAC).

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Mark Evans

Mark is the Managing Director of Marketing and Digital, Direct Line Group. He started his marketing career in Mars Inc and for 10 years worked on a number of their global brands across sectors and geographies. After senior roles at 118118 and HSBC, he joined Direct Line Group in 2012 and has overseen the transformation of DLG's brands and marketing approach, including the multi-award winning re-invigoration of the flagship Direct Line brand. 

He was voted the Financial Services Forum Marketer of the Year in 2015 and the Marketing Society Marketing Leader of the Year in 2018.  In 2016 Mark founded the Sprintathon in support of Stand Up To Cancer and is Chair of the Advertising Association’s Front Foot and Non-Exec for LearnEtAl. 

Mark brings to our Global Industry Advisory Council his world-class experience and passion for all things marketing.