Nov 16, 2022

Email Planner & Tracker

Clodagh O'Brien photo

by Clodagh O'Brien

Posted on Nov 16, 2022

Do you find it hard sometimes to keep track of all your email marketing campaigns, remember which you've tried and which are performing well, or not? 

We've created a toolkit for you to download which will help you to plan your email and track performance across all your campaigns, and keep on top of how it's all working.

It's divided into 4 areas to help you plan in the greatest possible detail.

  • Planning - organize what emails you are sending and why.
  • Tracking - track each email's performance so you can see what content and message is working for each audience.
  • A/B Testing - keep track of A/B test results in this section to analyze results for future emails/campaigns
  • Anaylsis - this section includes formulas that will analyze your data for results that will inform your emails' effectiveness.

Download email planner & tracker

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Clodagh O'Brien

Clodagh O'Brien is a content creator and strategist. Over the last 12 years, she has created and managed content for many SMEs and global brands. She's passionate about digital marketing and the impact of technology on culture and society. You can find her on Twitter or LinkedIn.