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The four stages of organizational maturity are:
In Stage 1, the grassroots are those innovators, those early adopters who know that they want to do something. Maybe they want to do the same thing as you, maybe they want to do something a little bit different, but you might be able to get them aligned with your strategy if you talk to them and get them on-side.
Stage 2 is about rationalization, and that goes back to having an evidence-based way of rationalizing, and selling the idea that: “This is what we want to do. This is why we want to do it. And this is going to be the impact on you.”
Stage 3 of organizational maturity is Operationalization. What that really means is getting things up and running. There’s quite a big step from doing your original plan, getting the buy-in to be able to launch it, and then actually putting it into practice. And that’s what we really mean by that third stage.
Stage 4 is Widespread Adoption. Often, there is an even bigger jump between Stages 3 and 4 than there is between Stages 2 and 3. Sometimes, if you’ve got a few supporters on-side, you can get things started. But getting widespread adoption can be far more difficult, and that’s when you might need to bring in some executive support.
Back to TopKristin Shine is Founder and General Manager of Shine Healthcare and Science Consulting. She advises clients in the healthcare space on digital strategy development, business development, strategic communications, and commercial partnerships.
Data protection regulations affect almost all aspects of digital marketing. Therefore, DMI has produced a short course on GDPR for all of our students. If you wish to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here:
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This module probes the critical areas of digital leadership, digital strategy, and digital transformation. It is aimed at all marketers willing to establish personal leadership and shows how you can become a digital leader by learning from best practice. It covers topics on executive sponsorship, digital adoption, building effective digital teams and training, facilitating collaboration, and digital centers of excellence. It also covers processes for bringing a digital strategy into a mainstream market and how to manage a digital strategy to maturity. It concludes with topics focused on evaluating and reporting on a digital strategy, including metrics to track, stakeholder reporting, and establishing an executive digital footprint.