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What are some of the methods?
These really will help you optimize your open rates. Having targeted subscriber lists, curated, intentionally grown and nurtured over time, will definitely help you with open rates.
Make sure that people know that this is the person who’s always sending the email, or this is the account that’s always sending an email. If, for example, I subscribe to a social media marketer from Harvard University, and if all of a sudden, the emails from that person were coming through with a different name, it might confuse me, or it might think, “Is this real? Is this spam? Is this not a legitimate email?” You know, there’s certain things, like familiarity.
In the case of my friend who writes this newsletter from Harvard, their subject line is always the same every week. “Here are the five things email that you need to read.” And it gives you this sense of regularity, comfort, and routine. The routines matter when it comes to email subscriptions, and people want to get kind of tucked into those routines.
So your effective subject line really does matter, and we’ve gone over subject lines previously, but subject lines are the hook. They’re the thing that most people see, in addition to the sender name, and you have those two chances to get people to open your email.
What are the methods?
This is important because you’ve got a list full of people. You want to make sure you keep them there. You’ve got their attention, initially. You want to sustain their attention.
So what do you do?
What are the methods?
Provide a way for recipients to update their email addresses: That is one of the smartest things that a marketer can do, providing their audience a way to move with them. So for example, as I’ve gone throughout my career, I’ve had a number of different email addresses, prior to getting my sort of one-size-fits-all Gmail account. Because of that, it would be great if when I subscribed to an email list when I worked at, say, the University of Illinois Chicago, that I was then able to log in and say, “I want to update, so that I can change it to my Oregon State email,” or then when I left Oregon State, to say, “I want to keep being a subscriber, but I now want to receive emails on my Gmail account.”
Back to TopEric Stoller is a Higher Education Strategic Communications Consultant and Blogger at Inside Higher Ed. With a background in student affairs, academic advising, wellness, technology, and communications, Eric educates clients and audiences on digital identity development. As a blogger, he generates conversations, answers questions, and provides insight about a variety of tech topics, including Social Media Strategies and Email Marketing.
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Communication expert Eric Stoller will help you to identify the attributes and features of an effective marketing email. You will recognize the importance of professional email design to retain brand reputation and subscribers, and will understand that testing is the basis of every successful email marketing campaign. Eric will then introduce the key metrics and statistics within email reporting, and will help you to identify methods for optimizing the performance of your campaign.