Apr 01, 2020

Exclusive Lecture Videos: Website Design Optimization

Kelsey Jones photo

by Kelsey Jones

Posted on Apr 01, 2020

A high-quality, well-designed website is the very first impression your potential customers will have of you and your offerings.

In these three videos, expert Kelsey Jones explains clearly some of the main areas to look at to make the most of your website:

  • Design Principles (with examples of successes and fails)
  • UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface)
  • Practical ways to Optimize your Website

These videos represent just part of the Website Optimization module of the DMI Pro Course.  

Play the videos below the view the content.

1. Design Principles (7:52)

This video covers the six key aspects of web design:

  • Simple design
  • Easy to navigate
  • Consistency of information
  • Usability
  • Consistency of design
  • Concise and honest information

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2. UX vs UI (2:10)

User Experience (UX) is essentially how someone uses a website from their perspective. User Interface (UI) is the medium or plaform they will be using, a website with links, forms and other interactive elements. 

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3. How to Optimize your Website (5:56)

The most important element to focus on when optimizing your website is Page Speed. This video looks at how other elements affect this, like hosting, site design and image sizes

Join for FREE to access this video.

If you enjoyed these videos, have a look at our DMI Pro Course.

Or our short course on UX Design.

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Kelsey Jones

Kelsey is a digital marketing consultant, speaker and writer who owns Six Stories, a digital marketing agency focused on content in social media and SEO. Kelsey was the head editor at Search Engine Journal for three years and has worked with Yelp, Contour Living, Bounty and Gazelle.