Jul 22, 2020

Essential Skills 2 - Creativity Skills

Cathal Melinn photo

byCathal Melinn

Posted on Jul 22, 2020

Essential Skills 2 - Creativity Skills

The ability to think, and work, creatively is just as invaluable a skill in today's workplace as it ever has been. It can lead to the development of new products and services, new business process and strategy, and even lead to growth and increased revenues.

But it is a skill that needs to be consciously worked on. When practiced successfully, it can reveal effective and innovative solutions to various types of problems, from marketing communications to operational roadblocks, and it can generate new ideas.

In these videos, Cathal Melinn explores what creativity means in the tool box of a digital marketer, looking at communication, removing barriers to new ideas and routines, and the fear of failure.

About The Essential Skills Series

This series includes a number of videos that explore those personal skills that we tend to overlook but which are becoming ever more important in your marketing life. These include communication, creativity, persuasion, project management, collaboration, strategic thinking, and crisis management. An important study was done in 2019 by the Digital Marketing Institute in collaboration with The Economist Group, and the full white paper is available to read on the library. The survey of 500 global marketing executives revealed that the ongoing skills gap in digital marketing includes these key essential skills.  

These videos come from our DMI Expert course

1. Generating New Ideas

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2. Removing Barriers to Creativity

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3. Persevering When Your Ideas Fail

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Cathal Melinn

Cathal Melinn is a well-known Digital Marketing Director, commercial analyst, and eommerce specialist with over 15 years’ experience.

Cathal is a respected international conference speaker, course lecturer, and digital trainer. He specializes in driving complete understanding from students across a number of digital marketing disciplines including: paid and organic search (PPC and SEO), analytics, strategy and planning, social media, reporting, and optimization. Cathal works with digital professionals in over 80 countries and teaches at all levels of experience from beginner to advanced.

Alongside his training and course work, Cathal runs his own digital marketing agency and is considered an analytics and revenue-generating guru - at enterprise level. He has extensive local and international experience working with top B2B and B2C brands across multiple industries.

Over his career, Cathal has worked client-side too, with digital marketing agencies and media owners, for brands including HSBC, Amazon, Apple, Red Bull, Dell, Vodafone, Compare the Market, Aer Lingus, and Expedia.

He can be reached on LinkedIn here.