Jun 24, 2024

Inside the Rainbow - 3 Pride Marketing Campaigns of Substance

June is officially Pride Month in many countries, and marches, events, and gatherings are in full swing across the world. This month marks the anniversary of the Stonewall (New York) riots on June 28th, 1969, an event that kickstarted what we know as the modern Pride movement.

The Pride rainbow colors are more than just a pretty logo and flag, however. They hold deep meaning and help spread a positive message of tolerance and inclusivity. As such, businesses are keen to show their support while also appealing to members of the LGBT+ community. However, they should take their efforts seriously.

Of course, when developing a Pride or LGBT+-centric marketing campaign, there’s ample room for fun and creativity. Just remember that plastering the rainbow across your website or adding the Pride colors to your existing branding alone isn’t enough.

LGBT+ consumers pay particular attention to businesses that make an effort. And it’s not just LGBT+ consumers who notice. In fact, studies suggest four in 10 consumers are motivated to support brands that take their LGBT+ marketing efforts seriously. Plus, 50% of non-LGBT+ self-identified allies would withdraw their support from brands that fail to deliver inclusive advertising.

So, to inspire your efforts, here are three Pride marketing campaigns from the past few years that went beyond the rainbow to show their true colors and offer real substance.

“I've been embraced by a new community. That's what happens when you're finally honest about who you are; you find others like you.” Chaz Bono, US-based writer, musician and actor

1. Absolut Vodka: Chosen Families

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A longtime ally (since 1980) and supporter of the LBGT+ community, Absolut Vodka has always delivered with its vibrant and meaningful Pride marketing campaigns. Its recent ‘Chosen Families’ initiative is no exception.

Led by a clear and poignant tagline, “Here’s to your chosen families”, this razor-sharp and visually stunning Pride campaign celebrates the tight-knit bonds found within the LBGT+ community.

By partnering with a mix of creatives and artists from the LBGT+ community, Absolut found the right tone and messaging. What made this campaign all the more poignant—in addition to its range of collaborative partnerships—is the fact that it was part of a wider ongoing drive to fight for LBGT+ rights.

A pivotal part of the brand’s Out and Open initiative, this cohesive multichannel marketing campaign was cohesive, authentic, and meaningful in equal measure. As a result, it earned droves of positive engagement.

2. Levi’s: How Do You Show Up?

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As a longtime supporter of the LBGT+ community and an advocate for gay rights, Levi’s actively gets involved with Pride month – and its 2023 campaign was no exception.

Championing the vital importance of authentic self-expression, the global denim powerhouse used a dazzling mix of high-quality video editing and a documentary-style approach to deliver its ‘How Do You Show Up?’ campaign.

Following six people from around the globe, photographer Liam Woods captured a mix of powerful messages from people with something important to say.

While each person is completely individual in their outlook to life, they’re all bound by boldness, bravery, and an authentic sense of self-expression. This message clearly aligns with Levis’s core brand values.

Not only did the brand create a dazzling video, it also crafted a slick landing page with a punchy profile of each video participant to further amplify its message. This cohesive and decidedly real campaign earned lots of investment and is touted by many as one of the best Pride marketing campaigns of 2023.

Read: 4 great examples of user-generated content (UGC)

3. LEGO: Everyone Is Awesome

As a modern-day superbrand, LEGO made waves with its first-ever Pride marketing  campaign in 2021 with ‘Everyone is Awesome.’

LEGO characters use different colors to reflect tolerance, inclusion, and support for the LGBT+ community.
LEGO characters use different colors to reflect tolerance, inclusion, and support for the LGBT+ community.

Letting its products do the talking, the brand launched a stylish Pride-themed LEGO set to celebrate and support the LBGT+ community while promoting inclusivity.

One of the best things about this campaign is its wide-spanning appeal. By placing its core values at the heart of its marketing mix, the campaign spoke to both children and adults alike, spreading positive messages far and wide.

By promoting its Pride LEGO kit across its most engaged social media channels and maintaining positive messaging throughout the campaign, the brand earned 23,000 mentions – with 87% perceived as positive.

Take Pride in your marketing...

These powerful campaigns are unique in their own way, but all share common attributes that make them as meaningful as they are successful.

How do they do this?

  • By showcasing emotional intelligence
  • By knowing what they want to say
  • By understanding what they want to achieve
  • By proactively supporting relevant causes
  • By being creative while remaining respectful

Because they put careful thought into their campaigns, these LGBT+ advocates have succeeded in their Pride marketing efforts.

Level up your marketing messaging with the DMI

To improve your campaign messaging, hone your existing skills, and learn all you need to know to get ahead of the pack, enrol in our Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing course.

Flexible, comprehensive, and industry-recognized, this course will take your campaigns, as well as your career, to the next level.

Dan Hughes
Dan Hughes

Dan is a content writer specializing in digital marketing, emerging tech, music and looking after a toddler. You can find out more about him and his work by visiting his Catchy Space.

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