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Misconceptions and Benefits

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Digital Marketing - Study Notes:

Defining social video marketing

Social video marketing is primarily used to increase audience engagement through social activity around a given video.

Common misconceptions

Here are four common misconceptions about social video:

  • It’s expensive. Video content doesn’t have to be expensive to work well. Online viewers are used to seeing content that is made off-the-cuff, and that isn’t over-produced.
  • It’s all about the views. Views are one of many factors that are important for social video. Engagement and having repeat viewers is also important.
  • Only YouTube is important. Although YouTube is a major player, over the last couple of years Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat have all come into play when it comes to social video.
  • Once your video is published, you’re done. Not really. You need to keep your audience coming back. That means more content needs to be uploaded on a regular basis. You need to keep engaging with your audience, to keep them entertained and informed.

The benefits

Social video marketing offers a number of benefits:

  • YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet. Google prioritizes YouTube results in its search results.
  • YouTube helps with your email marketing. Videos are much more engaging than text, and help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Videos are much more engaging than banner ads and have higher click-flow rates.
  • Customer retention on video is higher.
  • Videos rank higher in social algorithms and now appear in 70% of top 100 search results listings.
  • Video has high customer reach and is prioritized by most platforms for engagement.
  • Video helps you connect with your audience.
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Carlos Pacheco

Carlos Pacheco is the Vice President of Audience Development at Boat Rocker Media. Managing a team dedicated to online audience growth, Carlos has grown YouTube channels to have millions of subscribers and billions of views. Follow Carlos on Twitter on @carlospache_co for great social media tips.

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YouTube and Social Video
Carlos Pacheco
Skills Expert

This module introduces the concept of social video marketing, focusing on YouTube. It begins by outlining the benefits of incorporating social video into your marketing campaigns, and provides best practices for doing so. It then teaches you how to set up, customize, and manage a YouTube channel, and how to use the platform’s features effectively. It also teaches you how to use enhancement features to improve your video content. Finally, it provides you with the tools and knowledge you need to build an audience for your videos, and to use YouTube Analytics to measure their performance.