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The benefits of effective team collaboration can be divided into two categories: project or process benefits, and personal benefits.
When a group comes together to collaborate, it inevitably results in the sharing of knowledge and experience. By the end of the collaboration, long-held beliefs are likely to have been challenged, established systems and work practices pulled apart, and workable shortcuts identified. As a result, specific skills and ‘hacks’ that help achieve project or task success get widely distributed throughout an organization and even become commonplace. This amplifies the positive impact of an effective collaborating team throughout the company, and future collaborations can build on its success.
At the end of a successful collaboration, team members themselves are better equipped to bring projects to fruition, having worked through various shared processes and systems in different cultures and environments. This, in turn, should eventually result in greater and wider organizational success.
Team members have also learnt how and when mistakes occur, and what they can learn from them. In effect, they become ‘bloodhounds’ who are constantly seeking to streamline and improve future projects, processes, and systems.
Working with a group of people on a common project, with a common goal, is a powerful driver of personal success. Being part of an effective collaborating team can help you earn a reputation as a person who gets stuff done and who achieves results.
It can also help you to feel good. When you engage with others in the collaboration process, positive endorphins are released. You are more likely to experience powerful feelings like camaraderie and a sense of fun in your work environment. In addition, you enjoy an increased sense of personal worth from belonging to an effective team. If the team is successful with its assigned project, you will soon start to recognize the powerful feelings generated by success, and will want to replicate those feelings again and again into the future. Success feels good.
As an individual within a collaborating team, life can be fast-paced and exciting. As you get used to working collaboratively, you will probably find that your own pace of work - and success rate - increases too.
After successful collaborations, individual achievements are likely to be recognized, formally acknowledged, and celebrated. You may find yourself getting promoted based on your involvement in a successful collaboration. At the very least, you will enjoy increased personal recognition throughout your organization, and will be more likely to be invited to join future team collaborations.
To reap the many benefits that collaboration can bring, aim to follow these guidelines:
Learn to work within the dynamic of a team collaboration. While it may seem faster to work on a solution on your own or with a very small cohort, it is in fact the wider collaborating team that does the real heavy lifting.
Back to TopCEO of Personal Skills Training, Senior Coach at Kevin J Reid Coaching, Co-founder and Communications Director of The Counsel.ie, and Lead Collaborator of LeitrimMade.com
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Organizations are more likely to perform well when their employees work together effectively. To be successful in today’s workplace, it’s important to develop good interpersonal relationships with your colleagues, and to be able to collaborate with them successfully when the need arises. It’s also important to be able to communicate well with your colleagues, so you can get your message across and ensure it is understood.
In this module, you will learn about the personal skills you should cultivate in order to collaborate successfully, such as the ability to listen actively and to ‘lead beyond your authority’. You will also discover strategies you can use to improve team collaboration, such as holding regular meetings and sending fewer emails.
You will learn why good communication matters – and how you are communicating even when you are silent, before you utter a single word. You will also be introduced to strategies you can use to communicate effectively and improve your day-to-day interactions with others, including observing body language, asking short but impactful questions, and using pauses for effect.