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Periscope is a live streaming social app acquired by Twitter which lets users broadcast and explore the world through live video and social interactions.
As with anything, Periscope does have its pros and cons.
It’s very simple to set up, making it ideal for impromptu streams on the go.
It’s also very easy for followers to interact and like a video, comment, invite others, or exchange links, and you even have the ability to broadcast to specific people.
Possibly the best feature, you can broadcast for as long as you like with no limit on stream duration.
Sharing direct Periscope links on Twitter exposes the stream to a larger audience and increases the potential for spam comments and trolls.
The default viewing setting for Periscope is public. So this makes it very hard to control access to the stream.
There’s also been many reports of technical glitches during the broadcast.
Streams are only available for replay for 24 hours after the initial broadcast ends, after which it’s deleted from your channel.
Super Hearts (more on that later) provide a limited opportunity for monetization. And you’re not even able to use your viewers from Periscope as a target audience for future paid media campaigns.
So now, Periscope comes with its own set of unique features.
Sketch is the ability for a broadcaster to draw on a broadcast in real time by using his or her finger on the screen of their smartphone.
Interactive viewing is the ability for viewers to heart the streams that they like and interact with the person streaming the video through comments and chat function.
Periscope Producer is a feature that allows Twitter partners to broadcast higher quality content through external cameras and software, also supporting the engagement elements found on Periscope and Twitter with minimal setup involved.
This is the ability to broadcast on Periscope from a GoPro or drone camera by connecting the two apps and devices through Wi-Fi.
Saving is the possibility to copy broadcasts to your device automatically or manually.
Replays are videos broadcasted on Periscope that are saved automatically. You can choose to have them available indefinitely or up to 24 hours after the initial broadcast.
The map view is a feature for exploring videos being broadcast in different parts of the world through an interactive map, allowing users to search for videos by location and find streams of particular events taking place.
Broadcast search is a tab used to discover broadcasts that are suggested or search specific broadcasts by tags, location, or username.
Super Hearts are an interaction that viewers can purchase to monetarily support their broadcasters. When you give a broadcaster a super heart, they can accrue a star balance through Periscope super broadcaster program, and select broadcasters can redeem their star balance for cash.
To start broadcasting on Periscope:
So now, let’s talk about the elements for creating a compelling live stream.
The best-case scenarios for broadcasting on Periscope include capturing live commentary around political debates, capturing live action demonstrations, doing live conversation around global events, community focus discussions, customer feedback and customer service, a product unveiling, fashion shows, car races, tutorials, and more.
Live broadcasting requires special attention to the audience as they are the ones for whom you’re broadcasting in the first place.
To keep them interested and entertained, follow some simple rules.
Digital Marketing Strategist @ L’Oréal USA
Data protection regulations affect almost all aspects of digital marketing. Therefore, DMI has produced a short course on GDPR for all of our students. If you wish to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here:
The following pieces of content from the Digital Marketing Institute's Membership Library have been chosen to offer additional material that you might find interesting or insightful.
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You will not be assessed on this content in your final exam.
This module begins by describing the value to digital marketers of using Twitter and by outlining the key Twitter terminology that marketers need to be familiar with. It goes on to show how to set up and customize a Twitter account, and how to take advantage of the platform’s key features. It teaches you how to use Twitter Ads Manager to run campaigns and outlines the different ad formats available on Twitter. Finally, it provides you with the knowledge to leverage Twitter Analytics to analyze and optimize your Twitter campaigns.