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Owned research is the most basic form of research. It’s the things that you have direct access to. So this is information that you can access because you own the information.
You can look at your existing social channels and pull out information about your impressions and your engaged audience. Who are they? What age are they? How many of them are consuming your content on mobile versus on desktop, and what times of the day? These are all really important things to start to note down, because they’ll start to actually inform a picture of who your audience are.
This is important because what we have in our current research is the ability to actually know what we have in more detail around our consumer. This is for brands that would carry out research quite regularly, so they’d be able to understand how and how likely are people to recommend us? And are they enjoying competitions? Are people interested in health? What are the things that they associate with our brand?
So these are important because they’re actually going to start to give you more detailed understanding of your audience. It’s important that if you are a business that do use this type of research, that you actually do it more regularly, and that you start to actually include social media questions into your research. So, actually asking specific questions around what do you use? What channels would you prefer? What platforms are you using? Because what’s very interesting is, you can start to see the next big channel start to come out, because they’ll cross two rounds of research. You might see Instagram go from 25% to 40%, and that’s important, to identify that.
This is massively valuable. It is the traffic on your website. Look at what happens in the social media section of your web analytics. When a social media visitor comes to your website, what pages do they go to? How long are they spending on pages? What are the top pages? If you know that, then you straight away know answers to questions like, what product is most likely to get engagement on social media? Well, if they’re going from social media to that product page, then you know actually that that product is going to be a strong product for social media. You can create advantages for that product, and deliver it in much more detail to actually see how that performs.
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Data protection regulations affect almost all aspects of digital marketing. Therefore, DMI has produced a short course on GDPR for all of our students. If you wish to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here:
The following pieces of content from the Digital Marketing Institute's Membership Library have been chosen to offer additional material that you might find interesting or insightful.
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This module teaches you how to create an all-encompassing social media marketing strategy. It starts by providing best practices for planning and conducting research into your strategy, and covers topics such as owned research, accessed research, desk research, audience research, competitor research, and social listening. You learn how to set measurable objectives and KPIs for your strategy, and how to analyze and track your activities. Finally, you learn how to build and execute your strategy, and how to measure its impact and performance.