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A phased implementation roadmap is necessary to embed social media into the customer journey and drive customers to social channels in a scalable way. A phased implementation roadmap offers several benefits:
You can set customer expectations for service over social channels by communicating:
It is fundamental to be able to articulate and clearly present the overall social customer service strategy to the organization in order to achieve internal alignment and adoption. This is because many individuals may have a traditional mindset and see no merit in setting up a specific operation in this area.
There are a number of factors that form an effective business case for establishing or expanding a social customer service operation:
It is important that all teams involved come together during the social customer service strategy execution stage in order to achieve pre-defined milestones and timelines – this will ensure the strategy is holistic and has the largest ability to be successful in the organization. However, make sure it’s not a static document, but rather that the organization continually re-examines and updates the strategy to maintain relevance in the rapidly changing social media customer service landscape.
There are three big parts of the business that you have to think about from a collaboration perspective:
Christian Polman is a General Manager at Eone, Europe. He has driven digital marketing strategy through analytics and research to solve strategic and operating challenges and develop business plans for Fortune 100 brands.
Data protection regulations affect almost all aspects of digital marketing. Therefore, DMI has produced a short course on GDPR for all of our students. If you wish to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here:
The following pieces of content from the Digital Marketing Institute's Membership Library have been chosen to offer additional material that you might find interesting or insightful.
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This module introduces the concept of social customer service and highlights the social channels that are most often leveraged for this activity. It provides you with best practices you can follow to create and implement a robust social customer service strategy – and to manage it effectively. It also provides best practices for measuring customer satisfaction with the social customer service they receive, and for training social customer service agents. Finally, you learn how to build, grow, and maintain online support communities.