Study Notes
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When training agents, there are three core areas to focus on:
Make sure that you consider the ebb and flow of work throughout your calendar year when it comes to on-boarding agents. You have to think strategically about when you can do the on-boarding. It’s going to take resources internally; it’s going to take your attention away from your business. So look at your natural cycle of work and make sure that you’re doing onboarding at a time when you can invest in your workforce rather than in your day-to-day work.
It’s vital to train reserve agents in case there’s a crisis, and to mitigate against:
This module introduces the concept of social customer service and highlights the social channels that are most often leveraged for this activity. It provides you with best practices you can follow to create and implement a robust social customer service strategy – and to manage it effectively. It also provides best practices for measuring customer satisfaction with the social customer service they receive, and for training social customer service agents. Finally, you learn how to build, grow, and maintain online support communities.