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We’re next moving on to HTML headers. These are the main headings you see on a page, including secondary headings and sometimes tertiary headings that you see on a page as well. And where people sometimes go wrong is that they’ll just try and work too many keywords into the heading. And that will sometimes come at the expense of the message that you want the user to get from the page.
So SEO training, SEO courses, London UK, it looks like it’s written for a search engine. It doesn’t look very user-friendly. What can we do to improve this?
Well, in this case, because it’s a product or a service, we’ve just gone for a what-it-says-on-the-tin approach, SEO Training, that’s what we’ve gone for.
Now if you want to, you can be more creative than that and you can include other phrases that might be more engaging. But for product pages, sometimes that’s best. iPhone, let’s just call it an iPhone. If it’s a blog post, you probably do want to write something a little bit more engaging than just a keyword. But that’s something to bear in mind. Don’t try and force additional keywords in. I’m just trying to make it look relevant to the page itself.
Here are some best practices:
So we’re moving on to images. So how do we optimize images and what things can we need to look for that we can get wrong?
Here are some best practices:
If your page isn’t optimized or relevant, the first thing a user does is they scan the page, and if they can’t see what the relevancy is about, they’ll probably bounce.
And the other thing as well is if a page isn’t optimized, then it’s going to be more difficult for search engines to rank that page.
What are the consequences with content not being RankBrain-friendly?
Now the goal with RankBrain is to say, let’s look at key phrases, what do they mean, and let’s match them up with the most relevant content we can. Not necessarily the best keyword-optimized pages.
So if you’re not matching that search or intent of what the user wants, then Google isn’t probably going to actually rank your page. And that’s a key point. We’ve mentioned RankBrain quite a few times, but really do think about providing a very good user experience, wherever you can.
Back to TopManaging Director and SEO Trainer at Zen Optimise
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This module covers the basic concepts that underpin SEO. It introduces methods for improving technical SEO and on-page optimization of a website. It explains how to plan and implement a strategic SEO campaign and also covers the best practices for successfully building and maintaining backlinks to a website.