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Let’s just have a look at what a landing page is. So, this is the definition by Neil Patel, who’s actually got a really good SEO blog:
A landing page is any webpage where you send visitors in order to initiate a conversation and close a deal. Effective landing pages are often webpages with a single focus.
That’s really key, the single focus, and we’ll talk more about that single focus in a moment.
Let’s just have a look at these two examples.
So, in marker 1, we can see it’s the terms and conditions page, and marker 2, we can see it’s for a sprained ankle page. Now, it doesn’t really make sense to optimize the terms and conditions page. There aren’t keywords there that we need to be ranking for. So, we won’t optimize that page, and there will be probably quite a few pages on your site that you choose not to optimize.
So, when we talk about landing pages, even though it could be any page on your site, that is the entry point for SEO traffic. That’s the sort of the stripped definition. When we refer to SEO landing pages, it’s pages that we’re actively targeting for keywords and that we’re actively targeting for traffic.
Here are the characteristics of a successful landing page?
What are the main consequences?
Managing Director and SEO Trainer at Zen Optimise
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This module covers the basic concepts that underpin SEO. It introduces methods for improving technical SEO and on-page optimization of a website. It explains how to plan and implement a strategic SEO campaign and also covers the best practices for successfully building and maintaining backlinks to a website.