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Personal profiles are for non-commercial use and represent individual people. You can follow profiles to see public updates from people you’re interested in, but aren’t friends with.
Pages look similar to personal profiles but offer unique tools for businesses, brands, and organizations. You can use your Page to tell your story by sharing photos, videos, and links, and creating a dialog through Pages that people can engage with through commenting, liking, and sharing.
Before creating a Facebook Page, you need to clarify your communication goals. Figure out what your story is - the message you want to tell people and who your audience is. Identify the resources you’ll require - the content and community management team you’ll need to put in place to achieve your goals.
The key components of a Facebook Page include:
Your Facebook Page should reflect your brand identity and you’ll be prompted along the way to set up the elements listed above.
Follow the step-by-step instructions, to set up your Page and add information about your business. Depending on your Page’s category or industry there’ll be different sections for you to fill out in the About section, and you can customize it to align with the goals of your social media strategy. For example, if you want people to engage with your business on Messenger, include the Messenger call-to-action button along with your website contact details.
To make adjustments to your Page sections, go to your settings, and then select Edit Page from the settings menu.
Back to TopDave Morrissey is a Client Solutions Manager in the Retail and eCommerce division at Facebook. A seasoned digital marketer who specializes in social media, Dave now helps his clients achieve their marketing objectives through identity-based, data-driven marketing that's grounded in measurable business results.
Data protection regulations affect almost all aspects of digital marketing. Therefore, DMI has produced a short course on GDPR for all of our students. If you wish to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here:
The following pieces of content from the Digital Marketing Institute's Membership Library have been chosen to offer additional material that you might find interesting or insightful.
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This module focuses on Facebook and how the platform’s features can be leveraged by digital marketers to develop a successful marketing strategy. It begins by describing how Facebook works as a platform and outlines the Facebook terminology marketers need to be familiar with. It then provides best practices for setting up a Facebook Page and creating Facebook Page Posts. It goes on to cover the different platform features on Facebook and explains how to use the Facebook Ads platform effectively. Finally, it provides you with the knowledge to plan and deliver a Facebook advertising strategy, and to analyze its performance.