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Logistics can be a differentiator for your business. So we’ve already spoken a lot about Amazon and how they’re taking the retail market by storm by having unbelievable convenience across a huge range of products. And that’s massively supported by having a really complex and highly innovated logistical network.
It can also be absolutely fundamental to your business model. Consider grocery. If you’re selling fresh produce that needs to be with people in a certain time, it’s absolutely fundamental that your logistics infrastructure supports that.
The E-Commerce Strategy module will introduce the characteristics of the e-commerce business model and will help you understand the corresponding business requirements and decisions that flow from their value proposition. You will learn to recognize the strengths and limitations of different e-commerce solutions and common payment methods. Finally, you will respond to a range of different illustrations showing how the level of customer service affects an e-commerce business in an industry where trust is key to the purchasing decision.