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The conversion rate is the percentage of people who come to the site, who go on to take the action that you want, which, in most examples, is buying your good or service. So let’s take an example of a clothing retailer. So there’s a whole host of people coming to the site to a variety of different marketing channels. We refer to these people as traffic, and some of these people are going to drop out at each stage of the buying process.
So for example:
And again, each stage of the checkout will lose a certain percentage of the traffic. Whether it’s because it’s too difficult for them to put their address in or they want to go and check where the prices are better on other sites, we’ll lose a certain amount of people at each stage.
But at the end, we’ll end up with a percentage of people who’ve gone on to buy the product. And the process of conversion rate optimization is about making changes to the website and analyzing the data, so that the percentage of people left at the end is as big as possible.
So as we’ve just discussed, at each stage of the process, we’re going to lose people from the buying process, and so we need to try and minimize that. And the way that we do that is by doing three things.
First of all, we start with the basics, which is all about understanding your consumer and understanding how your offering gives them value. So what is about you that makes them choose you over your competition? Is it that you’re cheaper, is that your service is better, is it that your brand resonates with them more?
Secondly, we need to choose an e-commerce platform that delivers against that. So there are certain e-commerce platforms that are brilliant for displaying a massive range of products and making those products easy to find. There are other e-commerce platforms at the other end of the spectrum that are tailor-made for showing one or two products in an incredibly compelling way. And you need to choose the one that supports your value proposition most closely.
Thirdly, we need to use marketing channels and target appropriate consumers who drive the right type of traffic into the funnel in the first place. So if all these things work well together, you get the right type of people coming to the site, who have displayed with a value proposition that relates to them, and then the site is easy for them to navigate and go all the way through the conversion funnel to purchase at the end.
The E-Commerce Strategy module will introduce the characteristics of the e-commerce business model and will help you understand the corresponding business requirements and decisions that flow from their value proposition. You will learn to recognize the strengths and limitations of different e-commerce solutions and common payment methods. Finally, you will respond to a range of different illustrations showing how the level of customer service affects an e-commerce business in an industry where trust is key to the purchasing decision.