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Presenting Evidence of the CX

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Digital Marketing - Study Notes:

Service shadow

The nature of what you need to do with Customer Experience is in the name – you need to experience what the service is, as a customer.

Throughout the entire organization everyone should go back to the floor to experience for themselves what it is like to transact. This observation and experience is known as service shadow. By conducting service shadows regularly (collecting evidence through photos, for example, with mobile phones), you can quickly spotlight underperforming areas or opportunities to inject more of your Organizing Idea.

Experience Pyramid

Once an organization understands customer needs and goals, the mission is to set about answering them. This is the heavy lifting work of experience – not the fun or delightful part, but building the foundation for everything else. Frequently organizations want to rush this part, moving quickly on to the more entertaining things.

The Experience Pyramid involves three stages:

  • Utility: Firstly, the organization needs to completely satisfy the utility – meeting needs. It doesn’t have to be pretty or easy – needs can be thought of as mandates. Without them, there is no permission to play.
  • Usability: This stage aims to reduce friction and make things easier to use.
  • Pleasurable: Only when this intensive work is complete can the organization move on to the third stage – creating pleasure, often the realm of marketing.

Ask yourself, do we fully understand our customer’s goals and are we fully satisfying them?

Channel scope

When managing service shadows, it can be useful to have a simple journey model that catalogs the steps and available channels. You need good breadth and depth across the whole journey to form a rich picture. A simple service such as a Trello board with voting capability can be used to indicate specific channels (such as contact center call) and journey steps (such as product support) that will be completed. Over time, you will be able to spot areas that are under-represented.

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Jonathan Lovatt-Young

Jonathan has over 20 years' experience in the areas of digital design, brand strategy and user experience. He has held senior roles within a number of high-profile agencies and consultancies including Tribal DDB, Accenture Digital and DigitasLBi, working with a range of major clients. 

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:

  • Systematically analyse CX within an organisation
  • Evaluate methods for delivering a designed CX
  • Reflect on tactics for maximising customer experience for an organisation

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CX Essentials
Jonathan Lovatt-Young
Skills Expert

This short course covers the principles of customer experience, or CX, and demonstrates techniques and useful tools that you can use to manage CX for an organization.

You will learn how to:

  • Understand the basic concepts of CX
  • Understand the steps involved in assessing the current CX
  • Understand the best practice processes to design what the CX should be
  • Understand the best practice methods for delivering the planned CX
  • Understand how an iterative approach to customer experience design can improve organizations’ overall performance