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Your social media content should tell a story about you. As Simon Sinek once put it, people don’t buy what you sell, they buy why you sell. Being able to tell a convincing narrative will help you convert audiences to your business objective and to become brand advocates.
Roughly speaking, content can be teamed into three overall categories:
A good social media strategy should contain a mix of these content pillars.
Forming a complete content strategy will help you create meaningful content that’s seeded to the right audience and to the right channels. There are a number of steps in the content strategy planning process:
Content creation should always facilitate a wider business objective. Here are some sample business objectives:
When defining your content type, it’s important to understand its purpose. In this particular diagram (see slide ‘Defining your content type’), we look at the difference between content that not only entertains, but educates, convinces, and inspires. You can see as we move from entertaining into the inspirational space, we move from awareness to purchase. And as we move from entertaining into education, we move from an emotional response to a rational response.
Our business-to-business and our business-to-consumer audiences are very different in their purchase behaviors and the types of content that they consume. Make sure that whoever your intended audience is, that your content format and type, including your content messaging and tone, align with their needs and requirements.
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Data protection regulations affect almost all aspects of digital marketing. Therefore, DMI has produced a short course on GDPR for all of our students. If you wish to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here:
If you are interested in learning more about Content Marketing, the DMI has produced a short course on the subject for all of our students. You can access this content here:
DMI Short Course: Content Marketing
The following pieces of content from the Digital Marketing Institute's Membership Library have been chosen to offer additional material that you might find interesting or insightful.
You can find more information and content like this on the Digital Marketing Institute's Membership Library
You will not be assessed on this content in your final exam.
This module introduces the concept of engaging with and acquiring customers using the creation and sharing of content. It explains how to choose the right content for your customers – and how to ensure it gets seen by them. It outlines the different content formats available on social media channels and helps you identify which platform best suits your content. It also identifies best practices for scheduling your content, and equips you with the knowledge to devise and execute your own content creation strategy.