Jul 10, 2020

Webinar: Email Marketing Strategy - The Ultimate Blueprint

Karen Talavera photo

byKaren Talavera

Posted on Jul 10, 2020

Our DMI webinars go from strength to strength! Our webinar with the Email Marketing expert Karen Talavera brought in over 2,500 registrations and we had a lively session with participants from all over the world.

2020 has thrown us a global curveball. Personally many of you may have taken the opportunity to give the garden a refresh, do a bit of decluttering around the house, even try a diet detox, fitness regime or a bit of mindfulness. But professionally, have you taken the opportunity to up-level your digital marketing by refreshing your email strategy? If not, now’s the time!

Here's some of the wonderful feedback we got from this "sold-out" webinar.

  • DMI added lot of features for members and webinars has become such an amazing masterpiece. Thank you (Esad, Poland)
  • The speaker maintained my attention during the webinar, and it is very difficult to do so in today's rapid world. Congtats to her,  she is a very good expert! (Szilvi)
  • Thoroughly enjoyable, educational and as always up to date, accurate and useful - the three things I always enjoy in any presentation (William)
  • Great information. That was so much to pack into the time. Very well done (Daniel)

View the presentation slides from the webinar (Power members only).

In the video, the Q&A Section begins at 00:59:10.

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Karen Talavera photo
Karen Talavera

Karen Talavera is the founder and principal of Synchronicity Marketing, a data-driven digital marketing consultancy. As current Vice Chair of the Email Experience Council she is a recognized global expert, thought-leader, speaker and professional educator with 20 years’ experience in email and digital marketing strategy.  Karen has contributed to e-commerce performance improvements for countless brands in DTC, financial services, travel, healthcare, retail and tech including Google, Disney, Kendo Brands, Lenovo, City National Bank, AAA, Fidelity, Amway and many more. Previously, Karen held senior marketing positions at Yesmail, Acxiom Digital, and Experian.

Follow Karen on Twitter and LinkedIn.