Jul 05, 2019

Webinar: Agile Thinking in Managing Projects

Sudhir Puligundla photo

by Sudhir Puligundla

Posted on Jul 05, 2019

This month's webinar went extremely well. Over 200 were able to join in on the day. If you missed it, you can watch it again here and view the presentation below.


With the growth in agile ways of working and the promises of faster delivery of value and embracing change, is Project Management as we know it still relevant? This is what Sudhir discusses in the course of the one-hour webinar.

This webinar looks at the mindset teams and managers need to have to ensure project success and the similarities and contradictions in traditional and newer ways of working.

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Sudhir Puligundla photo
Sudhir Puligundla

Sudhir heads up Wipro Digital’s Dublin studio which brings strategy, design and technology expertise to solve today’s digital challenges and provide innovative and engaging solutions to enterprise scale problems. He has 20+ years’ experience in global financial services organisations like Aviva, RBS, UNUM, etc., delivering change, building and leading multi-location, cross-cultural teams and managing strategic and operational programmes. He holds an MBA from UCD Michael Smurfit Business School and a Mechanical Engineering degree from India. 

Learn more about Wipro Digital.