May 23, 2019

Webinar: GDPR One Year On: Enforcement Actions and Consumer Trends

Julian Hayes photo

by Julian Hayes

Posted on May 23, 2019

Our popular series of webinars continues this month with this week's enlightening talk on the state of GDPR, one year after its introduction. Julian Hayes of Veneto Privacy Services, looks all aspects, from the role of the DPO (Data Protection Officer), privacy notices, best practice risk mitigation for marketers, as well as examples enforcement actions already being taken by European countries.

GDPR became fully enforceable worldwide where businesses outside of EU offer services to EU residents from 25 May 2018, placing a higher standard on data protection, privacy and security for the digital age. 

We had an excellent range of questions from our attendees, which prompts us to add more on this topic to our library. 

Some Feedback:

"GDPR can be a complicated topic for marketers to fully grasp till the regulation becomes clearer to those who are directly involved with collected data. This webinar did help in understanding the topic better." Matthew

"Excellent summary of where we are now, and what to be prepared for ahead." Isobel

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Julian Hayes photo
Julian Hayes

Julian is a highly experienced Data Privacy and Security consultant with more than 16 years working in the telecommunications and IT industry.
As Founder of Veneto Privacy Services, Julian provides in-depth data protection consultancy services to clients in diverse industries throughout Europe and the United States. Julian has previously worked in very senior roles, including reporting to the Chief Privacy Officer of Vodafone Group in London. Julian was also Privacy Officer for Vodafone Ireland for many years before moving abroad for international experience.