Oct 15, 2020

The Member ShowCase with Omar El Sabh

by Digital Marketing Institute

DMI presents 'The Member Showcase'

Share Your Voice. Tell Your Story. Make an Impact.

The Digital Marketing Institute speaks to DMI Member Omar El Sabh.

Omar is the Founder and Managing Partner of RippleMark Egypt - a Cairo-based agency that thrives on self-learning and is the holder of two DMI Certifications. He is a CPD member, holding both the CDMP & CDMM designations.

Today he talks to DMI about Digital Marketing in Egypt and how he is always eager to move the dial to a performance and growth based mindset rather than an impression based one when it comes to services and digital enablement for his clients. Omar tells us how some tough love from trusted peers and mentors have shaped his leadership style and how his battle with mental health has shaped many of the views he holds today on empathy, leadership, and personal development. 

This Member Showcase Series is where DMI Members get to #ShowcaseYou and connect with your membership community, your peers, your clients, and/or prospective employers.

Showcase your knowledge, skills, acumen, and personality in a meaningful and authentic way.

Stand Out. Stay Ahead. Be Ahead of the Game.

If you would like to feature in DMI's Member Showcase, email us

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