Mar 04, 2020

Exclusive Lecture Video: SMART Objectives in Action

by Digital Marketing Institute

When you start thinking about your digital marketing strategy, one of the key considerations is objectives. A well-known convention for writing down efficient objectives that will satisfy business and marketing stakeholders is to use the SMART model. When defining your objectives, they should have the following qualities:


  • S, Specific,
  • M, Measurable,
  • A, Achievable,
  • R, Relevant, and
  • T, Time-bound.

If you keep that in mind, you’ll have the framework to make sure that your objectives are complete, understandable, measurable, and can actually help you develop a better strategy

The following video (which comes from our DMI Pro course) takes a deep dive into the SMART concept by discussing a real-life scenario; to increase the annual banquet dinner attendance by 150%, by emailing out 300 additional invitations to program sponsors and volunteers and having the local businesses sponsor tables.

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