Nov 25, 2020

Essential Skills 8: How to be Productive

Kevin Reid photo

byKevin Reid

Posted on Nov 25, 2020

Essential Skills 8: How to be Productive
" Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion "
- Cyril Northcote Parkinson (Parkinson's Law)

In our always-on world, there's a constant demand to be busy - and seen to be busy - and responding to things immediately and seeing to tasks right away. This can all lead to feelings of being overwhelmed. 

In this series of videos, DMI expert and professional coach Kevin Reid takes us on a deep dive into the differences between being busy and being productive, how to get a hold on your productivity and focus, and dealing with interruptions. 

1. The Difference Between Being Busy and Being Productive

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2. Techniques to Increase Productivity

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3. Handling Interruptions

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About The Essential Skills Series

This series includes a number of videos that explore those personal skills that we tend to overlook but which are becoming ever more important in your marketing life. These include communication, creativity, persuasion, project management, collaboration, strategic thinking, and crisis management. An important study was done in 2019 by the Digital Marketing Institute in collaboration with The Economist Group, and the full white paper is available to read on the library. The survey of 500 global marketing executives revealed that the ongoing skills gap in digital marketing includes these key essential skills.  

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Kevin Reid

Kevin is a Senior Training Consultant and the Owner of Personal Skills Training  and the Owner and Lead Coach of Kevin J Reid Communications Coaching and the Communications Director of The Counsel.

With over twenty years of experience in Irish and International business with an emphasis on business communications training and coaching, he is a much in demand trainer and clients include CEO’s, general managers, sales teams, individuals and entire organisations.

With deep expertise in interpersonal communication through training and coaching and in a nurturing yet challenging environment, Kevin supports teams and individuals through facilitation and theory instruction to empower themselves to achieve their communication objectives. This empowerment results in creativity, confidence building and the generation of a learning culture of continuous self-improvement.