Sep 25, 2019

Analytics and Harnessing Customer Intelligence: with Drinkaware

Sheena Horgan photo

by Sheena Horgan

Posted on Sep 25, 2019

Analytics and Harnessing Customer Intelligence: with Drinkaware
" ... when you say analytics to me, I'm thinking of data and charts. If you say analysis to me, everything I do is analysis... it's a different mindset. I think, from a digital perspective, we almost need a digital renaissance man. "
- Sheena Horgan, CEO Drinkaware

Drinkaware is an organization with an audacious mission - to have an Ireland where alcohol is not misused. 

In this second of three interviews with CEO Sheena Horgan, she and Cathal discuss marketing in the area of social change. By its nature, social change is measurable - so how does Drinkaware really manage (and learn from) its data?  

She mentions how they applied the Theory of Change to their three-year strategy; because it is so well suited to behavioural change they have used it as the driver to help keep their focus on the organization's end goal. Combined with their carefully-throught-through messaging, that is where they see an impact.

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Analytics and Harnessing Customer Intelligence with Drinkaware

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Sheena Horgan photo
Sheena Horgan

Sheena is CEO of Drinkaware, an Irish advocacy group focusing on reducing alcohol misuse.

An independent consultant for over 20 years, Sheena has worked with a broad range of not-for-profit, governmental and commercial organisations in both Ireland and the UK, where she founded the PR agency Eulogy! She has appeared regularly in the media, as a journalist and also advocate for campaigns dealing with sport, children’s issues, and internet literacy and safety.