Jan 18, 2024

Social Media Channel Tracker

Emma Prunty photo

byEmma Prunty

Posted on Jan 18, 2024

To implement a comprehensive strategy you need to measure your success on an ongoing basis. This is true for social media strategy as for any other part of your strategy, perhaps even more so as it changes so quickly. 

We have created a channel tracker tool that can help you understand what social channels perform best with your target audience so you can double down on those that serve the business and drive ROI and rethink your strategy on networks that underperform.

You can use it to:

  • Select your target audience
  • Consider the focus of each channel
  • Track the content shared 
  • Gain insights into the content people engage with most

Download Free Template

Social Media Channel Tracker

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Emma Prunty photo
Emma Prunty

As the DMI's Content Editor Emma works to bring our members insightful and topical content every week. She has worked in digital everything for over 20 years, from New York to Oslo and Toronto to Dublin, and is always on the lookout for the latest currents of where things are going next. As producer of our popular podcast, winner of the 2023 Memcom Podcast Award, she's always happy to hear from anyone interested in coming on the show to share their expertise. She can be found on LinkedIn.