Jan 08, 2021

Podcast Tools & Templates

Will Francis photo

byWill Francis

Posted on Jan 08, 2021

Looking to start up your own podcast? Well, if you want to get started, the DMI offers a range of resources to get you going. 

The DMI Podcast - Ahead of the Game - has been running successfully since March 2020, covering a wide range of topics around digital marketing through a number of in-depth conversations with real experts.   

We're delighted to share with you below a couple of the tools we use to keep track of all you need to get your podcast started, running and planned out. 

You can also check out our Podcasting ebook, ran a popular webinar on how to start a podcast, and we even made a podcast episode on the same topic.

Podcast Plan and Schedule Template
Podcast Show Notes Template

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Will Francis photo
Will Francis

Will Francis is a recognized authority in digital and social media, who has worked with some of the world’s most loved brands. He is the host and technical producer of the DMI podcast, Ahead of the Game and a lecturer and subject matter expert with the DMI. He appears in the media and at conferences whilst offering his own expert-led digital marketing courses where he shares his experience gained working within a social network, a global ad agency, and more recently his own digital agency.

Connect with him on Twitter (X) or LinkedIn.