Dec 11, 2023

Content Marketing KPIs Tracker

Mischa McInerney photo

byMischa McInerney

Posted on Dec 11, 2023

To implement a comprehensive strategy you need to measure your success on an ongoing basis.

Download and use this Content Marketing dashboard tool to keep track of your KPIs based on the four key categories of Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, and Advocacy. The tool allows you to track these on a monthly basis broken down by:

  • Audience
  • KPIs

Regularly assess actual performance against set targets to gauge success and areas for improvement.

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Mischa McInerney photo
Mischa McInerney

Mischa McInerney is the Chief Marketing Officer, Digital Marketing Institute. Mischa has over 20 years' experience in various countries, industries, and roles across the world. She is fluent in Japanese and once hosted a cooking show on Japanese television. She was a co-founder of an email marketing company in Australia, before moving back to Ireland to set up her own Marketing Consulting company. She then moved into Ulitities as Digital Marketing Manager of Ireland's largest energy provider, where she won several national and European awards for innovative digital brand campaigns. She then moved to Bank of Ireland, Ireland's largest bank as Director of Digital and CVM. 9 months ago she moved to the Digital Marketing Institute as CMO of the world's largest provider of on-demand certified Digital Marketing Courses.