May 28, 2021

Buyer Persona Template

Cathal Melinn photo

byCathal Melinn

Posted on May 28, 2021

What’s rule number one when it comes to creating content? Know your audience!

If you don't know what kinds of people you're talking to, how can you know what to say to them, and get them to react how you want?

Relevance is crucial when it comes to content marketing. You can’t just assume you know what your customers or prospects care about. Understanding that takes research and some effort on your part, but it will pay dividends when you see people engaging with your content.  

So how can you do that?

Buyer personas help you understand your customers and prospective customers. This makes it easier for you to tailor your content, messaging, and tone – as well as product development and services – to the specific needs, behaviors, characteristics, and concerns of different groups across channels.

These personas will also help you understand intent so you know what groups are more likely to convert and those that will take more time and nurturing. 

Download our  popular Buyer Persona Template now to help build a picture of the individual customers in your target audience as it covers:

  • Company info - This will help you drill down into the details of a company (e.g. industry, location, SMART goals, sales cycles, marketing channels and tools etc.) 
  • Buyer personas - Input demographics, personal interests, media habits and buyer behavior and value to create a picture of each persona and see how easy it is to reach them online.
  • Summary matrix - This combines your personas to get insight into the reach and value to prioritize your marketing budget and resources. 

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Cathal Melinn photo
Cathal Melinn

Cathal Melinn is a well-known Digital Marketing Director, commercial analyst, and eommerce specialist with over 15 years’ experience.

Cathal is a respected international conference speaker, course lecturer, and digital trainer. He specializes in driving complete understanding from students across a number of digital marketing disciplines including: paid and organic search (PPC and SEO), analytics, strategy and planning, social media, reporting, and optimization. Cathal works with digital professionals in over 80 countries and teaches at all levels of experience from beginner to advanced.

Alongside his training and course work, Cathal runs his own digital marketing agency and is considered an analytics and revenue-generating guru - at enterprise level. He has extensive local and international experience working with top B2B and B2C brands across multiple industries.

Over his career, Cathal has worked client-side too, with digital marketing agencies and media owners, for brands including HSBC, Amazon, Apple, Red Bull, Dell, Vodafone, Compare the Market, Aer Lingus, and Expedia.

He can be reached on LinkedIn here.