Nov 27, 2019

Presentation: Pharma CX and Regulation: Reinventing the Digital Customer Journey

Jonathan Lovatt-Young photo

by Jonathan Lovatt-Young

Posted on Nov 27, 2019

By looking at what CX is, assessing the today, designing the tomorrow and enabling change, Pharma leaders can develop competitive advantage.

In this presentation, DMI expert Jonathan Lovatt-Young DMI examines the theories and techniques of CX and how they can be applied to the Pharma industry. From a webinar in November 2019.

Download the presentation below.

Pharma CX and Regulation: Reinventing the Digital Customer Journey

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Jonathan Lovatt-Young photo
Jonathan Lovatt-Young

Jonathan has over 20 years' experience in the areas of digital design, brand strategy and user experience. He has held senior roles within a number of high-profile agencies and consultancies including Tribal DDB, Accenture Digital and DigitasLBi, working with a range of major clients.