Jul 12, 2019

eBook: How to Start a Podcast as part of a Content Marketing Strategy

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by Kelsey Jones

Posted on Jul 12, 2019

Podcasts have gone mainstream! Everyone seems to be listening to them and everyone has one.

But before you jump in and decide your business or brand needs to produce a podcast, read our comprehensive guide to Podcasts. Veteran content creator, and DMI expert, Kelsey Jones takes you step by step into this exciting world that gives you new opportunities to reach your audience. 

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Kelsey Jones

Kelsey is a digital marketing consultant, speaker and writer who owns Six Stories, a digital marketing agency focused on content in social media and SEO. Kelsey was the head editor at Search Engine Journal for three years and has worked with Yelp, Contour Living, Bounty and Gazelle.