Oct 27, 2023

Webinar: Elevate Your Marketing Team with a Data-Driven Approach

Maeve Kneafsey photo

byMaeve Kneafsey

Posted on Oct 27, 2023

In her webinar, Maeve Kneafsey, reviewed the place of the marketing team within a business and offered practical advice on how to arm yourself with the strategies and core tactics needed to reveal your full marketing value through data-driven KPI measurement.

Maeve looked at:

  • How marketing can take the lead in mapping the customer journey
  • How to talk to the CEO or board
  • Steps for delivering closer cross-departmental collaboration
  • Metrics to focus on to illustrate marketing ROI
  • Building the optimum marketing team with the right mix of skills

You can view and download the presentation slides here

We had some lovely feedback on the webinar: 

Terrific presentation, insightful and actionable!

This was a great session and I am glad I joined. Maeve mentioned many points that i am going to incorporate with my peers here as i am pretty much the only one who does the marketing, includes Social Media Posts, GA4, GMB etc.

I was impressed by the Speaker's well-coordinated arrival at explanation on every aspect discussed. She was clear and amazing.

Maeve is a clear and concise speaker. Excellent!

Very enjoyable and insightful. Thank you!

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Maeve Kneafsey

Maeve Kneafsey is an international practitioner and speaker in marketing, digital transformation, ecommerce, and analytics. Starting with founding Ireland's first content strategy/digital marketing agency, she has over 20 years’ experience launching and building international digital-led businesses, from early concept to funding to growth.