Oct 04, 2018

Webinar: Brand Storytelling - Should Digital Marketers Lead with the Heart or the Head?

Ekaterina Walter photo

by Ekaterina Walter

Posted on Oct 04, 2018

In this webinar, our subject matter expert Ekaterina Walter looks at the complex question of whether the heart or the head should drive Brand Storytelling.

Ekaterina walks us through marketing campaigns and weighs up both the emotional and factual considerations.

This webinar is valuable for anyone involved in forming digital marketing strategies, both for big brands and smaller companies. 

You can also view the presentation slides from the webinar (power members only). Click here

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Ekaterina Walter photo
Ekaterina Walter

Ekaterina has led strategic and marketing innovation for Fortune 500 brands such as Intel and Accenture. She is an international speaker and author of Wall Street Journal bestseller 'Think Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook’s Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg'. Find out more about her profile here