Dec 15, 2020

The Member Showcase with Rod Strother

by Digital Marketing Institute

DMI presents 'The Member Showcase'

Share Your Voice. Tell Your Story. Make an Impact.

The Digital Marketing Institute speaks to DMI Member Rod Strother.

Rod is the Managing Director, Integrated Brand with Edelman, Singapore who has recently completed the DMIPRO, and describes himself as someone who sees marketing through a digital lens. He walks us through his career and experiences on both the client and agency sides of the table with lots of great stories and examples along the way.
Today, he describes some of the bosses (including a 'Don Draper' style character) who have inspired him through the years and describes how he now leads his teams. Rod explains how keeping himself informed keeps him connected to his teams, the importance of getting your hands dirty, and surrounding yourself with a team you can trust and empower.
Rod also explains the power of communication and how you should never apologize for over-communicating.
He walks us through some of the moments in his career where he's been fortunate to be at the heart of innovation and describes how you bring pioneering marketing techniques from concept to reality.  And to close it all off gives a stunning revelation when asked to give an interesting fact about himself.

This Member Showcase Series is where DMI Members get to #ShowcaseYou and connect with your membership community, your peers, your clients, and/or prospective employers.

Showcase your knowledge, skills, acumen, and personality in a meaningful and authentic way.

Stand Out. Stay Ahead. Be Ahead of the Game.

If you would like to feature in DMI's Member Showcase, email us:

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