Mar 31, 2023

Digital Marketing Project Brief Template

Emma Prunty photo

byEmma Prunty

Posted on Mar 31, 2023

If you're in charge of managing a project, you can follow the simple seven-step framework for managing projects. A project brief is useful for creating a simple outline of everything a project will entail. The brief doesn’t need to be overly complex and there’s no right or wrong way to lay it out. The main thing is to ensure it’s easy to read! 

Use this handy template to share it with everyone involved and keep it somewhere accessible. The aim is to provide a useful guide at every stage of the project.

Here's a overview of a simple seven-step framework for managing projects. 

Step 1: Identify the project or campaign, know the "why" and "how".

Step 2: write a project brief.

Step 3: to develop goals and objectives and aim to follow the SMART goals framework:

  • Specific – The goal is tied to a specific number or well-defined objective.
  • Measurable – Progress toward the goal can be quantified with data.
  • Actionable – It can be done by you and your team, and is realistic.
  • Relevant – The goal fits with your wider company objectives and initiatives.
  • Time-bound – It’ll be attained within a set period of time.

Step 4: get input from the team on their availability and requirements, all deliverables to be produced, which people need to be involved, and agree on the goal of the project. 

Step 5: map out timelines and tasks. Consider using our One-Year Gantt Calendar Template.

Step 6: start the project and keep communication flowing!

Step 7: finish the project and review how it went.

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Emma Prunty

As the DMI's Content Editor Emma works to bring our members insightful and topical content every week. She has worked in digital everything for over 20 years, from New York to Oslo and Toronto to Dublin, and is always on the lookout for the latest currents of where things are going next. As producer of our popular podcast, winner of the 2023 Memcom Podcast Award, she's always happy to hear from anyone interested in coming on the show to share their expertise. She can be found on LinkedIn.