May 11, 2022

Presentation: GDPR Essentials for Marketers – What you Need to Know

David Normoyle photo

by David Normoyle

Posted on May 11, 2022

Do you need an overview of the GDPR and data protection requirements for marketers in the EU and beyond?

Download the webinar slides below. This webinar covers:

  • GDPR background and scope reminder
  • What are the principles of data protection?
  • A review of lawful basis & consent for marketers
  • ePrivacy considerations for digital marketing
  • Current hot topics – Data transfers and Schrems II, Google Analytics in the news
  • Future outlook – upcoming EU data protection legislation

Keep up to date on all upcoming webinars on the DMI LinkedIn page.

Get up to speed on all areas of Digital Marketing with the DMI's Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing

This content is available to Power Members only.

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David Normoyle photo
David Normoyle

David Normoyle is an experienced data protection consultant and trainer with Pembroke Privacy Ltd, a leading data protection consultancy based in Dublin.

IAPP certified and a One Trust Certified Privacy Professional he has extensive knowledge of the GDPR, Data Protection, Irish Act 2018 and e-Privacy Regulations. David has experience in completion of Register of processing Activities (ROPAs), conducting Legitimate Interest Balancing Tests, addressing GDPR gaps and conducting Transfer Risk Assessments post Schrems II judgement where personal data is transferred outside the EU/EEA.

He delivers data protection training to Marketing functions for large and small businesses and has designed and implemented large data protection frameworks and has experience working on IT systems and electronic data collection. He also regularly carries out data protection impact assessments and audits for clients.