Jan 12, 2022

Presentation: Burnout and Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

Paul Farrer photo

by Paul Farrer

Posted on Jan 12, 2022

Mental wellness has never been more relevant, and it's especially important to learn how to identify burnout. Drawing from decades of experience in recruitment and human resources, CEO and founder of Aspire Paul Farrer delivered a powerful webinar to hundreds of DMI members on how to recognize work-related burnout, with tips to reduce and cope with it.  

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Paul Farrer photo
Paul Farrer

Paul Farrer is the founder of Aspire, the specialist recruitment consultancy for the digital, tech, media, and marketing communications sectors. Winner of multiple awards the business was originally established in London in 1992 and the company now operates throughout the UK, in APAC, and North America. He passionately believes that professional recruitment is often undervalued when the fact is the best recruiters help change people's lives and improve organizational performance. He can be contacted on LinkedIn.