Nov 01, 2023

What are the Benefits of a Digital Marketing Certification to Marketers, Employers, and Educators?

Clodagh O'Brien photo

by Clodagh O'Brien

Posted on Nov 01, 2023

We all know that there’s a global digital skills gap across industries, and that gap is widening with the emergence of powerful technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). 

For marketers, this means they need to acquire and refine skills that can help land that job or climb the career ladder. For employers, great digital skills equal competitiveness, and this means that companies can drive brand awareness and revenue. At the same time, universities and colleges need to attract and retain students by offering industry-relevant courses.  

Alternative credentials – such as micro-credentials or industry and professional certifications – offer a simple and effective way to upskill and reskill more quickly than traditional learning options, such as a degree. These credentials can also be tied to industry so marketers learn exactly what they need to become in-demand professionals. 

Based on three surveys with marketers, employers, and third-level institutions, this new report explores the value of certification. It looks at the impact of an industry certification on: 

  • Career prospects
  • Promotional opportunities
  • Career and skills development
  • Earning or salary potential 
  • Employability 
  • Attractiveness to an employer
  • The competitiveness of a university or college 

Some of the key takeaways are:

  • 79% of graduates believe the DMI certification will increase, or has increased, their chances of getting a job or being promoted.
  • The majority (91%) of employers value professional or industry certifications when hiring or promoting.
  • 62% of DMI graduates who got a salary increase say the DMI certification helped them achieve that – with an average salary increase of 27%.

Download the report today to get insights on professional certification and its significant value to marketers, employers, and educators. 

The Value of Industry Certification to Marketers, Employers, Universities, and Colleges

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Clodagh O'Brien

Clodagh O'Brien is a content creator and strategist. Over the last 12 years, she has created and managed content for many SMEs and global brands. She's passionate about digital marketing and the impact of technology on culture and society. You can find her on Twitter or LinkedIn.