Sep 23, 2020

The Member ShowCase with Royce Johnson

by Digital Marketing Institute

DMI presents 'The Member Showcase'

Share Your Voice. Tell Your Story. Make an Impact.

The Digital Marketing Institute speaks to DMI Member Royce Johnson.

Royce certified through the DMI & AMA dual educational partnership. Royce holds the DMI PRO & AMA PCM since June 2020. Today he talks to DMI and tells us how Best Buy's advertisements and promotions inspired his digital marketing career. Royce tells us how the advice to 'just keeping pushing', became his personal creed and motto, and tells us how he found his path and his confidence to follow and achieve his career aspirations.

This Member Showcase Series is where DMI Members get to #ShowcaseYou and connect with your membership community, your peers, your clients, and/or prospective employers.

Showcase your knowledge, skills, acumen, and personality in a meaningful and authentic way.

Stand Out. Stay Ahead. Be Ahead of the Game.

If you would like to feature in DMI's Member Showcase, email us

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