Nov 19, 2021

Presentation: How to Write for Online Audiences

Lorraine Griffin photo

by Lorraine Griffin

Posted on Nov 19, 2021

In this presentation, you'll learn how to craft written content for your website that enhances the user experience and really tells the story of your brand.  Engaging your customers, and really winning them over, means offering an intuitive, easy-to-browse digital experience.

You can view the accompanying webinar and find other helpful resources.

This content is available to Power Members only.

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Lorraine Griffin photo
Lorraine Griffin

Lorraine Griffin is a digital consultant with over 20 years of experience specializing in digital strategy, content marketing and branded content. Her journalistic background helps her work on content marketing and content for, among others, Bank of Ireland, Three Ireland, the Irish Tourism Board, and as a consultant with brands like Bord Bia, Smurfit, IEDR, Buy and Sell, Boxever, and Social Talent. Lorraine can be found on LinkedIn.