May 25, 2020

Covid-19 Update: TikTok, Nintendo, and African eCommerce

This is our latest fortnightly news review of what's been happening around the world in digital marketing. Changes in tech, business, and marketing continue to change rapidly as are workplace shifts. What is clear is that people still in lockdown are continuing to shop online. If you didn't already catch it, you might enjoy our recent podcast which discusses ideas on how companies can think beyond the initial reactive responses to the crisis and start planning for the mid- to long- term in marketing and brand awareness.  

As we continue to publish this fornightly news review, let us know your thoughts, through the forum or by a quick email to membership!

Where 8-second Dreams Come True

Covid-19 Update: TikTok, Nintendo, and African eCommerce

Disney’s head of streaming has moved over to TikTok, Mayer was responsible for helping shift Disney’s focus from TV and film to streaming, culminating in the huge success of Disney Plus when it launched with over 50 million people already subscribed. He will now act as CEO of TikTok as well as COO of its Chinese-owned parent company, ByteDance. This can only mean TikTok is really on the up and up. Story in CNN.

eCommerce Booming in Africa

The Covid-19 crisis is being dealt with in successful, creative ways across Africa: a story that hasn’t always reached the rest of the world. The enforced lockdowns have also resulted in a boost for domestic eCommerce activity in many countries, giving a push to many retailers to turn digital, changes in attitude and consumer interest. This is a fascinating read in Quartz Africa.

Not so easy to Switch to Nintendo

Covid-19 Update: TikTok, Nintendo, and African eCommerce

I only learned recently (due to a certain teenager’s upcoming birthday) that Nintendo Switches are sold out, all over the world. This was due to both the lockdowns that came with Covid-19 and the timely release of the latest Animal Crossing. While, like me, you can sit on a preorder list for a Switch, here are some interesting alternatives. And read up on how some desperate players are learning from online tutorials how to repair their existing models. You can also check out our article on the secrets of marketing in the world of gaming.

In Other News

  • With people continuing to stay, and shop, from, Facebook has timed it right with the launch of its new shopfronts for Facebook and Instagram. Read more in TechCrunch
  • Pinterest has also launched a new feature: Shopping Spotlights aims to connect users and influencers and other curated ideas.  
  • Amazon cutting its affiliate program during April has really affected media companies in particular, but it might have already been on the cards.
  • While Facebook and Twitter seem to be shifting in the long-term to remote working, Apple is bucking the trend among tech companies by calling its employees back to base. Story in Business Insider.
  • The Economist has an interesting long read on the history of the office, and ponders do we really need one at all?

And, Finally

The luxurious Banff Springs Hotel in the Canadian Rockies has put out some charming ad spots - the twist being the staff is in place but with no usual job to do. Just practising the art of waiting. Here’s the bellhop enjoying the empty foyer.

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Emma Prunty
Emma Prunty

As the DMI's Content Editor Emma works to bring our members insightful and topical content every week. She has worked in digital everything for over 20 years, from New York to Oslo and Toronto to Dublin, and is always on the lookout for the latest currents of where things are going next. As producer of our popular podcast, winner of the 2023 Memcom Podcast Award, she's always happy to hear from anyone interested in coming on the show to share their expertise. She can be found on LinkedIn.

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